Futures had me confused. For some reason I had assumed that the execution of Futures were somehow linked to for-comprehensions. I had somehow assumed that you compose your Futures first and then run them when you were good and ready. Something similar to the Reader Monad in Haskell. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Defining Futures outside a for-comprehension

Let’s take a simple example. First I define an iterate method that takes in a name and a number. The name is used to track the Future that is iterating. The method basically loops form 1 to the number passed in while printing out its current iteration. It then sleeps for 250 ms. It prints out when it is done at the end. All very simple.

  final def iterate(name:String, n:Int): Int = {
    println(s"defining $name")
    (1 to n).foreach { n =>
      println(s"$name sleeping for item: $n")

    println(s"$name done")

Let’s take Scenario 1. This scenario creates two Futures: f1 and f2 with ten and two iterations respectively. It then sleeps for ten seconds after which it processes the results of the Futures and sums them up to give another Future: f3. We then wait for a maximum of one minute for f3 to complete and print out “done”.

    val f1: Future[Int] = Future {
      iterate("f1", 10)
    val f2: Future[Int] = Future {
      iterate("f2", 2)

    Thread.sleep(10000) //sleep for 10 seconds

    println("before comprehension")

    val f3:Future[Int] = for {
      x <- {println("f1 ->"); f1}
      y <- {println("f2 ->"); f2}
    } yield x + y

    f3.onComplete(_ => println("f3 done"))

    println("after comprehension")

    val result = Await.result(f3, Duration(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES))

    println(s"done with $result")

What is the output of the above program?

defining f1
defining f2
f2 sleeping for item: 1
f1 sleeping for item: 1
f2 sleeping for item: 2
f1 sleeping for item: 2
f1 sleeping for item: 3
f2 done
f1 sleeping for item: 4
f1 sleeping for item: 5
f1 sleeping for item: 6
f1 sleeping for item: 7
f1 sleeping for item: 8
f1 sleeping for item: 9
f1 sleeping for item: 10
f1 done
before comprehension
f1 ->
f2 ->
after comprehension
f3 done
done with 12

What does this tell us? This tells us that the Futures: f1 and f2 start executing almost immediately after they are defined and they run concurrently. f2 finishes before f1 . f1 finishes before the for-comprehension is reached. The for-comprehension executes and creates a Future f3 which starts executing in the background. The values of f1 and f2 are extracted in that order and we are done when f3 finishes.

The point in time when a Future starts executing has nothing to do with for-comprehensions - as long as the Futures are defined outside the for-comprehension (more on this below.) The main thread of execution continues along its merry way without blocking at the for-comprehension and waiting for a result. The for-comprehension also creates a new Future which then immediately begins running the computation asynchronously. All very curious.

Defining Futures inside a for-comprehension

Let’s look at Scenario 2. This scenario basically creates two Futures within the for-comprehension: f1 and f2 with ten and two iterations respectively, as in Scenario 1. It then processes the results of the Futures within the for-comprehension and sums them up to give another Future: f3. We then wait for a maximum of one minute for f3 to complete and print out “done”.

but this time define the Futures f1 and f2 within the for-comprehension.

    println("before comprehension")

    val f3:Future[Int] = for {
      x <- Future { println("f1 ->"); iterate("f1", 10) }
      y <- Future { println("f2 ->"); iterate("f2", 2) }
    } yield x + y

    f3.onComplete(_ => println("f3 done"))

    println("after comprehension")

    val result = Await.result(f3, Duration(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES))

    println(s"done with $result")

What is the output of the above program?

before comprehension
f1 ->
after comprehension
defining f1
f1 sleeping for item: 1
f1 sleeping for item: 2
f1 sleeping for item: 3
f1 sleeping for item: 4
f1 sleeping for item: 5
f1 sleeping for item: 6
f1 sleeping for item: 7
f1 sleeping for item: 8
f1 sleeping for item: 9
f1 sleeping for item: 10
f1 done
f2 ->
defining f2
f2 sleeping for item: 1
f2 sleeping for item: 2
f2 done
f3 done
done with 12

We can see that Future: f1, starts executing only after the for-comprehension defined. We can see that the main thread of execution does not block on the for-comprehension and continues executing. f2 has not started executing at all. It is only once f1 completes that f2 starts executing. We now have synchronous execution as opposed to asynchronous execution of f1 and f2. No concurrency here. Once f2 completes, f3 finishes straight after and we are done.

So it looks like these are the general rules of Future execution:

  1. Define Futures you want to run concurrently outside a for-comprehension.
  2. Define Futures you want to run sequentially inside a for-comprehension.

What about zip?

Just when we had everything nice and tidy I came across the zip method on scala.concurrent.Future. Let’s run Scenario 2 with the zip method and call it Scenario 3.

    println("before comprehension")

    val f3:Future[Int] = for {
      (x, y) <- Future { println("f1 ->"); iterate("f1", 10) } zip Future {
        println("f2 ->"); iterate("f2", 2) }
    } yield x + y

    f3.onComplete(_ => println("f3 done"))

    println("after comprehension")

    val result = Await.result(f3, Duration(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES))

    println(s"done with $result")

What is the output of the above program?

before comprehension
f1 ->
f2 ->
defining f2
defining f1
f1 sleeping for item: 1
f2 sleeping for item: 1
after comprehension
f2 sleeping for item: 2
f1 sleeping for item: 2
f2 done
f1 sleeping for item: 3
f1 sleeping for item: 4
f1 sleeping for item: 5
f1 sleeping for item: 6
f1 sleeping for item: 7
f1 sleeping for item: 8
f1 sleeping for item: 9
f1 sleeping for item: 10
f1 done
f3 done
done with 12

It looks very much like Scenario 2, where we had f1 and f2 running concurrently. So how does this work? The zip function is defined on Future as:

  def zip[U](that: Future[U]): Future[(T, U)] = {
    implicit val ec = internalExecutor
    val p = Promise[(T, U)]()
    onComplete {
      case f: Failure[_] => p complete f.asInstanceOf[Failure[(T, U)]]
      case Success(s) => that onComplete { c => p.complete(c map { s2 => (s, s2) }) }

So how do f1 and f2 run concurrently? The answer lies in the how the second Future is passed to the zip method. f1 starts executing immediately before its zip method is called. Since zip takes in a (that: Future[U]) instead of a (that: => Future[U]), that starts executing immediately as a side-effect when passed to the zip method. Talk about yucky.

So if I wrote function: zip2 that took that as a function we should see the same results as Scenario two. Let’s call this Scenario 4.

  private def zip2[T,U](one: Future[T])(two: => Future[U])(implicit ec:ExecutionContext): Future[(T, U)] = {
    val p = Promise[(T, U)]()
    one.onComplete {
      case f: Failure[_] => p complete f.asInstanceOf[Failure[(T, U)]]
      case Success(s) => two onComplete { c => p.complete(c map { s2 => (s, s2) }) }

    println("before comprehension")

    val f3:Future[Int] = for {
      (x, y) <- zip2(Future { println("f1 ->"); iterate("f1", 10) })(Future {println("f2 ->"); iterate("f2", 2) })
    } yield x + y

    f3.onComplete(_ => println("f3 done"))

    println("after comprehension")

    val result = Await.result(f3, Duration(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES))

    println(s"done with $result")

We can see that f1 has to complete before f2:

before comprehension
f1 ->
defining f1
after comprehension
f1 sleeping for item: 1
f1 sleeping for item: 2
f1 sleeping for item: 3
f1 sleeping for item: 4
f1 sleeping for item: 5
f1 sleeping for item: 6
f1 sleeping for item: 7
f1 sleeping for item: 8
f1 sleeping for item: 9
f1 sleeping for item: 10
f1 done
f2 ->
defining f2
f2 sleeping for item: 1
f2 sleeping for item: 2
f2 done
f3 done
done with 12

If we zip within a for-comprehension, then Futures run concurrently right? That depends. We still need to define the zip call in the first step of the for-comprehension. Take Scenario 5 as an example.

    println("before comprehension")

    val f4:Future[Int] = for {
      a <- Future {println("f1 ->"); iterate("f1", 5) }
      (x, y) <- Future { println("f2 ->"); iterate("f2", 10) } zip Future {
        println("f3 ->"); iterate("f3", 2) }
    } yield a + x + y

    f4.onComplete(_ => println("f4 done"))

    println("after comprehension")

    val result = Await.result(f4, Duration(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES))

    println(s"done with $result")

If we look at the output, we see that f1 has to complete before f2 and f3 start executing concurrently.

before comprehension
f1 ->
after comprehension
defining f1
f1 sleeping for item: 1
f1 sleeping for item: 2
f1 sleeping for item: 3
f1 sleeping for item: 4
f1 sleeping for item: 5
f1 done
f2 ->
defining f2
f2 sleeping for item: 1
f3 ->
defining f3
f3 sleeping for item: 1
f3 sleeping for item: 2
f2 sleeping for item: 2
f3 done
f2 sleeping for item: 3
f2 sleeping for item: 4
f2 sleeping for item: 5
f2 sleeping for item: 6
f2 sleeping for item: 7
f2 sleeping for item: 8
f2 sleeping for item: 9
f2 sleeping for item: 10
f2 done
f4 done
done with 17

Where should we Define Futures?

Yikes. What a minefield. So the rules seem to be:

  1. If you defined Futures outside a for-comprehension they will run immediately and concurrently.
  2. If you define Futures inside a for-comprehension they will run sequentially (if not zipped).
  3. If you zip Futures in the first step of the for-comprehension they will run immediately and concurrently.
  4. If you zip Futures in secondary steps of the for-comprehension, they will not run until all preceding steps have completed successfully. They will then run concurrently.

The source code for the above scenarios can be found on github