My friend Matt put me on to this cool Sublime Text plugin called Quick File Creator. It basically lets you create a file or directory anywhere within your project without having to navigate to it. The doco states:

This plugin instead pops up a quick panel that lets you pick the directory for the new file or subdirectory using the built-in fuzzy matching. If you are currently editing a file, that file’s directory will be located at the top of the list to make it even easier to create the new file or subdirectory in the same location. Select a directory, input the new name in the input panel at the bottom of the window, and you’re done!

Quick File Creator - Sublime Text Plugin

You can also exclude directories you do not care about through your project settings:

          "tmp.*", "|.git", "|.svn", "|.hg"

or User preferences:

  "excluded_dir_patterns": [
    "tmp", "|.git", "|.svn"

Some caveats:

Note that each pattern is anchored to the beginning and end of the directory name, so you should not use ^ or $ in your patterns. Also, since ST2 does not allow backslashes in settings files, use a vertical bar (|) instead of a backslash to escape special regex symbols such as dots in directory names.

The other brilliant feature is:

The file/folder input panel supports recursive folder or file creation. If the parent path does not exist then the path will be created.

Need to create a package structure for your java/scala project? No problemo! QFC will create the full package path and your class file at the same time! :)