Using Validated for Error Accumulation in Scala with Cats
The Either
data type allows us to represent a computation that may fail. A simplified definition of an Either
is given below:
sealed abstract class Either[+A, +B]
final case class Left[+A, +B](value: A) extends Either[A, B]
final case class Right[+A, +B](value: B) extends Either[A, B]
We use the two data constructors of Either to represent an error or a success. We wrap an error in the Left
constructor or a successful value in the Right
constructor. Let’s look at a simple example to make that clearer.
Say we want to validate a person’s name, age and email address. We could use the following ADT (algebraic data type) to do that:
sealed trait PersonErrorType
case object NameInvalid extends PersonErrorType
case object AgeInvalid extends PersonErrorType
case object EmailInvalid extends PersonErrorType
final case class PersonError(value: String, errorType: PersonErrorType)
final case class Name(value: String)
final case class Age(value: Int)
final case class Email(value: String)
final case class Person(name: Name, age: Age, email: Email)
The PersonErrorType
models the various errors we may encounter during the creation of a Person
and PersonError
captures that error with some extra information as to why it failed. We also have wrapper classes around name, age and email to differentiate them from regular String
Now we could use an Either
type, which has a PersonError
on the Left
and some valid type A
on the Right
to represent our validations. We define the type alias ErrorOr
to represent this:
type ErrorOr[A] = Either[PersonError, A]
Notice that in ErrorOr
, the error type or the left-side of the Either
is fixed to PersonError
and we can only vary the success type or the right-side of the Either. This is represented by the type variable A
. A
could be any type.
We can imagine having three functions that represent validating our name, age and email address:
def validateName(name: String): ErrorOr[Name] = ???
def validateAge(age: String): ErrorOr[Age] = ???
def validateEmail(email: String): ErrorOr[Email] = ???
We will leave their definitions for a little later.
Notice that all the functions above return an ErrorOr
with different types for the success value.
In addition we would need some kind of validation function that combines the above functions together to return a valid Person
def validatePerson(name: String, age: String, email: String): ErrorOr[Person] = ???
Now let’s go ahead and implement the validation functions according to the following rules:
- The supplied name must not be empty and has to start with an uppercase character.
- The supplied age must be a number and must be between one and a hundred and twenty.
- The supplied email address must not be empty and must have at least a single
Following is a sample implementation of the above rules:
def validateName(name: String): ErrorOr[Name] = {
if (name.headOption.exists(_.isUpper)) Right(Name(name))
else Left(PersonError(s"Name is empty or does not start with an uppercase character: $name", NameInvalid))
def validateAge(age: String): ErrorOr[Age] = for {
<- Try(age.toInt) => PersonError(ex.getMessage, AgeInvalid))
numericAge <- {
validAge if (numericAge <= 0 || numericAge > 120) Left(PersonError(s"Age must be a number between 1-120: ${numericAge}", AgeInvalid))
else Right(numericAge)
} yield Age(validAge)
def validateEmail(email: String): ErrorOr[Email] = {
if (email.isEmpty || !email.contains("@")) Left(PersonError(s"Email address is empty or does not contain an `@` symbol: $email", EmailInvalid))
else Right(Email(email))
Don’t worry too much about the implementation.
Notice that we wrap the errors in a PersonError
and put it in the Left
constructor. Similarly we put the success values in the Right
constructor. We also lift all success values into their wrapper types: Name
, Age
and Email
Given the above validation implementations, how do we go about combining them to give us either a valid Person
instance or an error of type PersonError
Fortunately for us, the Either
datatype implements both the flatMap
and map
methods which allows us to use a for-comprehension to sequence the validations we have:
def validatePerson(name: String, age: String, email: String): ErrorOr[Person] = for {
<- validateName(name)
validName <- validateAge(age)
validAge <- validateEmail(email)
validEmail } yield Person(validName, validAge, validEmail)
Now given a valid name, age and email, the validatePerson
function returns a Right
with a Person
validatePerson("Benjamin Sisko", "50", "")
//Right(Person(Name(Benjamin Sisko),Age(50),Email(
And it returns a Left
with the first error of type PersonError
for an invalid person:
validatePerson("odo", "200", "")
//Left(PersonError(Name is empty or does not start with an uppercase character: odo,NameInvalid))
Now in the above invalid example, we can see that Odo’s age is not between one and a hundred and twenty and his email address does not have a single @
character in it and would be invalid. Unfortunately Either
bails on the first error and we don’t get to see what any of the other errors are. This could get annoying if we keep getting new errors each time we run this code.
What we want is to get all the errors returned to us at once. How do we do that?
This is where we need to lean on the Validated datatype. The Validated
datatype also lets us represent a computation that may fail - but with one crucial difference. It accumulates any errors that may occur.
The Validated
datatype is not defined in the Scala standard library and has to be sourced from the Cats functional programming library.
A simplified definition of the Validated
type is given below:
sealed abstract class Validated[+E, +A]
final case class Invalid[+E](e: E) extends Validated[E, Nothing]
final case class Valid[+A](a: A) extends Validated[Nothing, A]
We can see that the similarity to Either
is uncanny. The Invalid
data constructor is used to wrap some type of error while the Valid
data constructor wraps success types. So what is it about this datatype that makes it accumulate errors in the Invalid
Before we answer that question, let’s look at transforming our previous validation example to use Validated
instead of Either
Let’s start off by creating a type alias called AllErrorsOr
to accumulate our errors or return our success value:
type AllErrorsOr[A] = Validated[PersonError, A]
type ErrorOr[A] = Either[PersonError, A]
The code is almost identical to ErrorOr
; we just swapped out Either
for Validated
. Let’s change the return type of all our validation function to use AllErrorsOr
def validateName(name: String): AllErrorsOr[Name] = ???
def validateAge(age: String): AllErrorsOr[Age] = ???
def validateEmail(email: String): AllErrorsOr[Email] = ???
def validatePerson(name: String, age: String, email: String): AllErrorsOr[Person] = ???
All we did is swap the ErrorOr
type alias for AllErrorsOr
and we have the definitions we need.
Let’s go ahead and implement our validators. We can change our validateName
function quite easily:
def validateName(name: String): AllErrorsOr[Name] = {
if (name.headOption.exists(_.isUpper)) Valid(Name(name))
else Invalid(PersonError(s"Name is empty or does not start with an uppercase character: $name", NameInvalid))
We just simply swap Left
for Invalid
and Right
for Valid
data constructors and we are done. We could have also used the invalid
and valid
helper functions as well:
def validateName(name: String): AllErrorsOr[Name] = {
if (name.headOption.exists(_.isUpper)) Name(name).valid
else PersonError(s"Name is empty or does not start with an uppercase character: $name", NameInvalid).invalid
requires a little more work.
The Either
implementation of validateAge
was defined as:
def validateAge(age: String): AllErrorsOr[Age] = for {
<- Try(age.toInt) => PersonError(ex.getMessage, AgeInvalid))
numericAge <- {
validAge if (numericAge <= 0 || numericAge >= 120) Left(PersonError(s"Age must be a number between 1-120: ${numericAge}", AgeInvalid))
else Valid(numericAge)
} yield Age(validAge)
So we have a couple of hurdles we need to jump over:
- How do we convert a
instance to aValidated
? Validated
does not implementflatMap
; onlymap
. This means we can’t use a for-comprehension to sequenceValidated
We can solve the first problem by using the function fromEither
on Validated
that converts an Either[A, B]
to a Validated[A, B]
def fromEither[A, B](e: Either[A, B]): Validated[A, B]
Updating validatedAge
we get:
def validateAge(age: String): AllErrorsOr[Age] = {
val ageEither: Either[PersonError, Int] =
. => PersonError(ex.getMessage, AgeInvalid))
val validatedIntAge: Validated[PersonError, Int] = Validated.fromEither(ageEither)
We can also use the toValidated
to achieve the same result and IMO it’s a little nicer:
def validateAge(age: String): AllErrorsOr[Age] = {
val validatedIntAge: Validated[PersonError, Int] Either[PersonError, Int] =
. => PersonError(ex.getMessage, AgeInvalid)).
val numericAge = ??? //we need some way to get the Int age out of validatedIntAge
val validateAge: Validated[PersonError, Age] =
if (numericAge <= 0 || numericAge > 120) Invalid(PersonError(s"Age must be a number between 1-120: ${numericAge}", AgeInvalid))
else Valid(numericAge)
We are almost there but we still need a way of sequencing two Validated
instances together; where one Validated
instance depends on the value returned from the previous Validated
Let’s see how we can answer our previous question:
So what is it about this datatype that makes it accumulate errors in the
In order to combine errors in a Validated
we need the types used as errors to have some behaviours such as Functor (think something that can be mapped over) and Semigroupal (think combining two effectful values into a pair of effectful values) or we need to put the errors in a type that has the above behaviours. One type that has those behaviours already defined is NonEmptyList. A NonEmptyList
is as the name suggests, a List
that is guaranteed not to be empty (it has at least one element); which means you can safely call head
on it among other things.
Cats already has a pre-build Validated
type that uses NonEmptyList
as its error type called ValidatedNel
. The type definition of ValidatedNel
reveals its form to us:
type ValidatedNel[+E, +A] = Validated[NonEmptyList[E], A]
We can see that ValidatedNel
is a simple type alias for a Validated
with a NonEmptyList
of some error type E
or a success type of A
The Nel
part in ValidatedNel
refers to the N
ist of the error type. There are also NonEmptyVector
and NonEmptyChain
variations but they encapsulate the same thing - some data structure that is not empty that is used to accumulate any errors.
Let’s start off by updating our AllErrorsOr
type alias to work with ValidatedNel
instead of Validated
//type AllErrorsOr[A] = Validated[PersonError, A]
type AllErrorsOr[A] = ValidatedNel[PersonError, A]
To lift our invalid and valid values into a ValidateNel
we can use the helper functions: invalidNel
and validNel
respectively. Here’s how we’d change the validateName
function to use ValidatedNel
instead of Validated
def validateName(name: String): AllErrorsOr[Name] = {
if (name.headOption.exists(_.isUpper)) Name(name).validNel
else PersonError(s"Name is empty or does not start with an uppercase character: $name", NameInvalid).invalidNel
We can also use the usual Valid
and Invalid
data constructors but it’s a little cumbersome to wrap the Invalid
case within a NonEmptyList
def validateName(name: String): AllErrorsOr[Name] = {
if (name.headOption.exists(_.isUpper)) Valid(Name(name))
else Invalid(NonEmptyList.of(PersonError(s"Name is empty or does not start with an uppercase character: $name", NameInvalid)))
So far so good. Let’s try and update the validateAge
def validateAge(age: String): AllErrorsOr[Age] = {
val numericAgeV: AllErrorsOr[Int] = Try(age.toInt) => PersonError(ex.getMessage, AgeInvalid)).toValidatedNel
We can quite easily convert an Either
to a ValidateNel
by calling toValidatedNel
on it. Next let’s try and update the validateAge
def validateAge(age: String): AllErrorsOr[Age] = {
val numericAgeV: AllErrorsOr[Int] = //from before
def validAgeV(numericAge: Int): AllErrorsOr[Int] = {
if (numericAge <= 0 || numericAge > 120) PersonError(s"Age must be a number between 1-120: ${numericAge}", AgeInvalid).invalidNel
else numericAge.validNel
Also quite easy. The next question is how do we combine these two validations to give us an Age
??? validAgeV => Age numericAgeV
Here’s where the andThen
method on Validated
comes into play. It is defined as:
sealed abstract class Validated[+E, +A] {
def andThen[EE >: E, B](f: (A) ⇒ Validated[EE, B]): Validated[EE, B]
We can see that this method definition is similar to Either
’s flatMap
definition, in that it sequences together two computations that may fail, returning the latter as the result:
sealed abstract class Either[+E, +A] {
[EE >: E, B](f: (A) => Either[EE, B]): Either[EE, B]
We can also see that the first computation has to complete, to supply the A
before the next computation can proceed. So let’s use it:
val combineAgeV: AllErrorsOr[Int] = numericAgeV.andThen(validAgeV)
We can see that when we run numericAgeV
validator we get a AllErrorsOr[Int]
. This Int
is then needed by the validAgeV
function, which will then produce another AllErrorsOr[Int]
if all goes well.
We still don’t have an Age
instance, only an Int
. To lift the validated Int
value into the Age
constructor we can use the map
function. map
is defined on Validated
as follows:
sealed abstract class Validated[+E, +A] {
def map[B](f: (A) ⇒ B): Validated[E, B]
Using map
on combineAgeV
with the Age
constructor gives us the final result:
val result: AllErrorsOr[Age] = => Age(n))
The complete validateAge
function is as follows:
def validateAge(age: String): AllErrorsOr[Age] = {
val numericAgeV: AllErrorsOr[Int] = Try(age.toInt) => PersonError(ex.getMessage, AgeInvalid)).toValidatedNel
def validAgeV(numericAge: Int): AllErrorsOr[Int] = {
if (numericAge <= 0 || numericAge >= 120) PersonError(s"Age must be a number between 1-120: ${numericAge}", AgeInvalid).invalidNel
else numericAge.validNel
Next lets convert our validateEmail
function to use ValidatedNel
def validateEmail(email: String): AllErrorsOr[Email] = {
if (email.isEmpty || !email.contains("@")) PersonError(s"Email address is empty or does not contain an `@` symbol: $email", EmailInvalid).invalidNel
else Email(email).validNel
That’s very similar to how we modified the validateName
Now let’s try and implement the validatePerson
function. As mentioned previously, Validated
does not implement the flatMap
function and hence it can’t be used in a for-comprehension.
So how can we combine these three Validated
instances? We can use the andThen
method again but it gets quite messy:
validateName(name).andThen(validName =>
validateAge(age).andThen(validAge =>
validateEmail(email).map(validEmail =>
Person(validName, validAge, validEmail)))) //ValidatedNel[PersonError, Person]
If only there were a neater way of combining these validations. What we need is a function that is given each of the validated values if successful:
def validatePerson(name: String, age: String, email: String): AllErrorsOr[Person] = {
validateName(name) ??? validateAge(age) ??? validateEmail(email) ??? (validName, validAge, validEmail) => Person(validName, validAge, validEmail)
To combine two or more ValidatedNel
instances that don’t depend on each others’ values we can use the mapN
method. A simplified definition of mapN
is given below:
//A: 1st successful value
//B: 2nd successful value
//Z: Result of applying function `f`
//E: The failure type
def mapN[Z](f: (A, B) => Z)(implicit functor: Functor[ValidatedNel[E, ?]],implicit semigroupal: Semigroupal[ValidatedNel[E,?]]): ValidatedNel[E,Z]
Luckily we already know that ValidatedNel
has Functor
and Semigroupal
instances so we can just use mapN
. mapN
is specialised for combining Validated
instances from two to twenty two parameters. Using the product capabilities which we get from Semigroupal
, we can write a function that uses the three validated values from our validators in the validatePerson
function to create an AllErrorsOr[Person]
def validatePerson(name: String, age: String, email: String): AllErrorsOr[Person] = {
(validateName(name), validateAge(age), validateEmail(email)).mapN((validName, validAge, validEmail) => Person(validName, validAge, validateEmail))
Now let’s see what happens when all of the validations fail:
validatePerson("odo", "200", "")
//Invalid(NonEmptyList(PersonError(Name is empty or does not start with an uppercase character: odo,NameInvalid), PersonError(Age must be a number between 1-120: 200,AgeInvalid), PersonError(Email address is empty or does not contain an `@` symbol:,EmailInvalid)))
We can see that all the errors have been accumulated for us!
Let’s see what happens when there are no errors:
validatePerson("Benjamin Sisko", "50", "")
//Valid(Person(Name(Benjamin Sisko),Age(50),Email(
We can see the output is as expected.
productL and productR
Now let’s assume that we rewrote validateName
such that it depended on two separate validators; one for validating a non empty name (validateNonEmptyName
) and one for validating whether the name starts with an uppercase character (validateStartsWithUpper
def validateNonEmptyName(nameString: String): AllErrorsOr[String] =
if (nameString.nonEmpty) nameString.validNel else PersonError(s"Name is empty", NameInvalid).invalidNel
def validateStartsWithUpper(nameString: String): AllErrorsOr[String] =
if (nameString.headOption.exists(_.isUpper)) nameString.validNel else PersonError(s"$nameString does not start with an uppercase character", NameInvalid).invalidNel
We might compose them as follows within the validateName
def validateName(name: String): AllErrorsOr[Name] = {
validateNonEmptyName(name).andThen(_ => validateStartsWithUpper(name)).map(Name)
Notice that we are discarding the success value returned from validateNonEmptyName
when using the andThen
function. We can directly use the value of the argument name
in the validateStartsWithUpper
A more succinct way of writing this function composition is by using the productR
function to ignore the result of the validator on the left and use the result of the validator on the right (hence the R
in productR
def validateNameWithProduct(name: String): AllErrorsOr[Name] = {
(validateNonEmptyName(name) productR validateStartsWithUpper(name)).map(Name)
There is an inverse method to productR
called productL
which uses the result of the validator on the left and ignores the result of the validator on the right. The important thing to realise is that both validators still get run, but only one of the success results is returned. This is a nice shorthand when you need to ignore one of the results from a validator. The productL
and productR
functions are available to any Applicative typeclass (via Apply) and since Validated
has an Applicative
instance we get these methods for free.
Using productL
and productR
is similar to using the combine
function available to any instance of the Semigroup typeclass (think something that can combine values similar to addition or multiplication of numbers) - with one important difference: The successes are accumulated in the event of all the validators succeeding - if your success type has an instance for Semigroup
. Some common Semigroup
s are String
, List
and NoneEmptyList
//captures all errors if there are any errors
validateNonEmptyName("") combine validateStartsWithUpper("joe")
: Validated[NonEmptyList[PersonError],String] = Invalid(NonEmptyList(PersonError(Name is empty,NameInvalid), PersonError(joe does not start with an uppercase character,NameInvalid)))
//accumulates successes when the success value is a Semigroup
validateNonEmptyName("joe1") combine validateStartsWithUpper("Joe2")
: Validated[NonEmptyList[PersonError],String] = Valid(joe1Joe2) res12
This is just something to be aware of so you won’t get tripped up when your successes are also accumulated.
I’m not really sure when this accumulation of successes would be useful. Send me a comment if you have a problem that this solves.
What if you want to choose between two or more validators, where you only want the one that passed? Think something similar to short-circuiting Boolean
operators such as &&
or ||
In this scenario you could use combineK
which comes from the SemigroupK typeclass:
def combineK[A](x: F[A], y: F[A]): F[A] //can choose between `x` and `y` for some types of `F`
Here’s how we could use it with our validators:
//returns the first validator that succeeds
validateNonEmptyName("joe") combineK validateStartsWithUpper("Joe2")
: net.ssanj.validated.ValidatedValidations.AllErrorsOr[String] = Valid(joe)
//tries the second validator if the first fails
validateStartsWithUpper("joe1") combineK validateStartsWithUpper("Joe2")
: net.ssanj.validated.ValidatedValidations.AllErrorsOr[String] = Valid(Joe2)
//accumulates errors if all validators fail
validateStartsWithUpper("joe1") combineK validateStartsWithUpper("joe2")
: net.ssanj.validated.ValidatedNelValidations.AllErrorsOr[String] = Invalid(NonEmptyList(PersonError(joe1 does not start with an uppercase character,NameInvalid), PersonError(joe2 does not start with an uppercase character,NameInvalid))) res18
And finally you can run a fold
on a Validated
instance (just like you for Option
or Either
) to extract the value of failure or success:
sealed abstract class Validated[+E, +A] {
def fold[B](fe: (E) ⇒ B, fa: (A) ⇒ B): B
An example usage of fold
fold(failure => s"you failed: $failure", success => s"you succeeded with $success")
: String = you succeeded with joe res19
You can also use pattern matching instead to achieve the same result:
validateNonEmptyName("joe") match {
case Invalid(failure) => s"you failed: $failure"
case Valid(success) => s"you succeeded with $success"
: String = you succeeded with joe res22
While it can seem like Validated
is complex to use, in practise it is quite straight forward once you know a few rules. Hopefully this article has given you some confidence in using Validated
the next time you need to accumulate some errors. Also be sure to read the Cats documentation on Validated to give you more insight into their usage. Sample code for this article can be found here