Result has some functions that let you figure out if an instance is a success or error value. We’ll look at those functions next.


When you need to just know if some execution was successful and don’t need to know the value, you can use is_ok:

pub const fn is_ok(&self) -> bool {
  matches!(*self, Ok(_))

The matches! macro tests if a value matches a given pattern, returning a bool value to indicate success or failure.

In summary:

// pseudocode
// Given: Result<T, E>
// Return type: bool

Ok(_)  -> true  // bool
Err(_) -> false // bool

For example:

parse_bool("ten").is_ok();  // false
parse_bool("true").is_ok(); // true

We could use this function when testing for conditions:

if parse_bool(value).is_ok() {
  // Do something when we have booleans
} else {
  // Do something when we don't have booleans


This is similar to is_ok but in reverse:

pub const fn is_err(&self) -> bool {

In summary:

// pseudocode
// Given: Result<T, E>
// Return type: bool

Ok(_)  -> false  // bool
Err(_) -> true   // bool

For example:

parse_bool("ten").is_err();  // true
parse_bool("true").is_err(); // false

In a conditional as before:

if parse_bool(value).is_err() {
  // Do something when we don't have booleans
} else {
  // Do something when we have booleans


is_ok_and lets you test a Result is Ok and runs a predicate on the value inside the Ok instance. is_ok_and is defined as:

pub fn is_ok_and(self, f: impl FnOnce(T) -> bool) -> bool {
  match self {
    Err(_) => false,
    Ok(x) => f(x),

In the above definition, the predicate function f is only called on the value inside the Ok instance, converting it to a boolean value. If the Result is an instance of Err the value false is returned.

In summary:

// pseudocode
// Given: Result<T, E>
// Return type: bool

f: T    -> bool

Ok(t:T) -> f(t)   -> true|false  // bool
Err(_)  -> false                 // bool

A simple example is testing whether a number is greater than 10:

parse_int("11").is_ok_and(|n| n > 10)   // true
parse_int("2").is_ok_and(|n| n > 10)    // false
parse_int("blah").is_ok_and(|n| n > 10) // false


is_err_and is the opposite of is_ok_and in that it lets you test a Result is an Err and runs a predicate on the value inside the Err instance. is_err_and is defined as:

pub fn is_err_and(self, f: impl FnOnce(E) -> bool) -> bool {
  match self {
    Ok(_) => false,
    Err(e) => f(e),

In the above definition, the predicate function f is only called on the value inside the Err instance, converting it to a boolean value. If the Result is an instance of Ok the value false is returned.

In summary:

// pseudocode
// Given: Result<T, E>
// Return type: bool

f: E     -> bool

Ok(_)    -> false                // bool
Err(e:E) -> f(e) -> true|false   // bool

A simple example is to testing whether a number is an invalid digit:

    .map_err(|e| MyError(e.to_string()))
    .is_err_and(|MyError(error)| error.contains("invalid digit")); // false

    .map_err(|e| MyError(e.to_string()))
    .is_err_and(|MyError(error)| error.contains("invalid digit")); // true

You’re almost at the end!